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  • JDK1.7 64bit
  • intelliJIdea安装maven插件,配置好仓库源
  • intelliJIdea安装clojure插件Cursive(需要注册并获取一个license,否则只能使用30天)
  • 如果需要自己创建clojure项目进行开发,需要安装leiningen,下载地址


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这时候,通过idea就可以直接跟踪看源码了,但直接运行storm-starter中的例子还是会报错并提示有些类找不到,经查看是clojure的代码还未编译出class文件。可以在源码目录下执行mvn compile进行编译。




2739 [main] INFO b.s.u.Utils - Using defaults.yaml from resources
4546 [main] INFO b.s.u.Utils - Using defaults.yaml from resources
5218 [main] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Starting inprocess zookeeper at port 2000 and dir /var/folders/c0/0bgvmbb10jz1609_1xjqdsj00000gn/T//eeb57be9-5478-4fa9-ab31-6dfce38e7695
5243 [main] INFO b.s.u.Utils - Using defaults.yaml from resources
5340 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - Starting Nimbus with conf {“topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs” 60, ……
5342 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - Using default scheduler
5360 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
5457 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
5529 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
5531 [main-EventThread] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Zookeeper state update: :connected:none
6569 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6569 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6574 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6605 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6605 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6609 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6609 [main-EventThread] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Zookeeper state update: :connected:none
6617 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6618 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6620 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6621 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6623 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6625 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6649 [main-EventThread] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Zookeeper state update: :connected:none
6652 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6653 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6657 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6671 [main] INFO b.s.d.supervisor - Starting Supervisor with conf {“topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs” 60, ……
6693 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6694 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6697 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6697 [main-EventThread] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Zookeeper state update: :connected:none
6700 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6701 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6704 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6722 [main] INFO b.s.d.supervisor - Starting supervisor with id 913c90f6-3f78-4646-8998-aa901ae3c360 at host localhost
6725 [main] INFO b.s.d.supervisor - Starting Supervisor with conf {“topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs” 60, …..
6732 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6732 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6736 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6736 [main-EventThread] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Zookeeper state update: :connected:none
6740 [main] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
6741 [main] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
6744 [main-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
6753 [main] INFO b.s.d.supervisor - Starting supervisor with id 49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4 at host localhost
7035 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - [req 1] Access from: principal: op:submitTopology
7113 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - Received topology submission for wordCounter with conf {“topology.max.task.parallelism” nil, “topology.submitter.principal” “”, “topology.acker.executors” nil, “topology.max.spout.pending” 20, “storm.zookeeper.superACL” nil, “topology.users” (), “topology.submitter.user” “”, “topology.kryo.register” {“storm.trident.topology.TransactionAttempt” nil, “storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchId” “storm.trident.spout.RichSpoutBatchIdSerializer”}, “topology.kryo.decorators” (), “” “wordCounter-1-1468420782”, “” “wordCounter”}
7123 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - nimbus file location:/var/folders/c0/0bgvmbb10jz1609_1xjqdsj00000gn/T//333ed6da-9ef5-4781-bd82-4f315facd4a8/nimbus/stormdist/wordCounter-1-1468420782
7152 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - Activating wordCounter: wordCounter-1-1468420782
7346 [main] INFO b.s.s.EvenScheduler - Available slots: ([“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1028] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1029] [“913c90f6-3f78-4646-8998-aa901ae3c360” 1024] [“913c90f6-3f78-4646-8998-aa901ae3c360” 1025] [“913c90f6-3f78-4646-8998-aa901ae3c360” 1026])
7398 [main] INFO b.s.d.nimbus - Setting new assignment for topology id wordCounter-1-1468420782: #backtype.storm.daemon.common.Assignment{:master-code-dir “/var/folders/c0/0bgvmbb10jz1609_1xjqdsj00000gn/T//333ed6da-9ef5-4781-bd82-4f315facd4a8/nimbus/stormdist/wordCounter-1-1468420782”, :node->host {“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” “localhost”}, :executor->node+port {[8 8] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [12 12] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [2 2] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [7 7] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [22 22] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [3 3] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [24 24] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [1 1] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [18 18] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [6 6] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [20 20] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [9 9] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [23 23] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [11 11] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [16 16] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [13 13] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [19 19] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [21 21] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [5 5] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [26 26] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [10 10] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [14 14] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [4 4] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [15 15] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [25 25] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027], [17 17] [“49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4” 1027]}, :executor->start-time-secs {[8 8] 1468420782, [12 12] 1468420782, [2 2] 1468420782, [7 7] 1468420782, [22 22] 1468420782, [3 3] 1468420782, [24 24] 1468420782, [1 1] 1468420782, [18 18] 1468420782, [6 6] 1468420782, [20 20] 1468420782, [9 9] 1468420782, [23 23] 1468420782, [11 11] 1468420782, [16 16] 1468420782, [13 13] 1468420782, [19 19] 1468420782, [21 21] 1468420782, [5 5] 1468420782, [26 26] 1468420782, [10 10] 1468420782, [14 14] 1468420782, [4 4] 1468420782, [15 15] 1468420782, [25 25] 1468420782, [17 17] 1468420782}}
7751 [Thread-7] INFO b.s.d.supervisor - Extracting resources from jar at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/ant-javafx.jar to /var/folders/c0/0bgvmbb10jz1609_1xjqdsj00000gn/T//29645b09-90e9-4b9a-a657-60c418f92841/supervisor/stormdist/wordCounter-1-1468420782/resources
7788 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.supervisor - Launching worker with assignment {:storm-id “wordCounter-1-1468420782”, :executors [[8 8] [12 12] [2 2] [7 7] [22 22] [3 3] [24 24] [1 1] [18 18] [6 6] [20 20] [9 9] [23 23] [11 11] [16 16] [13 13] [19 19] [21 21] [5 5] [26 26] [10 10] [14 14] [4 4] [15 15] [25 25] [17 17]]} for this supervisor 49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4 on port 1027 with id 9dd8aeac-1cd6-467a-a84c-2637d0825d99
7791 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.worker - Launching worker for wordCounter-1-1468420782 on 49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4:1027 with id 9dd8aeac-1cd6-467a-a84c-2637d0825d99 and conf {“topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs” 60, ……
7793 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
7794 [Thread-8] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
7798 [Thread-8-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
7798 [Thread-8-EventThread] INFO b.s.zookeeper - Zookeeper state update: :connected:none
7801 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
7802 [Thread-8] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
7805 [Thread-8-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
7809 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.s.a.AuthUtils - Got AutoCreds []
7811 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.worker - Reading Assignments.
7881 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.worker - Launching receive-thread for 49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4:1027
7884 [Thread-9-worker-receiver-thread-0] INFO b.s.m.loader - Starting receive-thread: [stormId: wordCounter-1-1468420782, port: 1027, thread-id: 0 ]
8261 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[8 8]
8285 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[8 8]
8300 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[8 8]
8311 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[12 12]
8329 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[12 12]
8331 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[12 12]
8340 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor $spoutcoord-spout0:[2 2]
8343 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks $spoutcoord-spout0:[2 2]
8346 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor $spoutcoord-spout0:[2 2]
8355 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[7 7]
8372 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[7 7]
8375 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[7 7]
8381 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-3:[22 22]
8401 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-3:[22 22]
8404 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-3:[22 22]
8412 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor acker:[3 3]
8414 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks
acker:[3 3]
8424 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Timeouts disabled for executor acker:[3 3]
8425 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor
acker:[3 3]
8443 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-5:[24 24]
8465 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-5:[24 24]
8467 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-5:[24 24]
8530 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor $mastercoord-bg0:[1 1]
8539 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks $mastercoord-bg0:[1 1]
8576 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor $mastercoord-bg0:[1 1]
8603 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[18 18]
8633 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[18 18]
8635 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[18 18]
8646 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[6 6]
8681 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[6 6]
8683 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[6 6]
8719 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[20 20]
8757 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[20 20]
8763 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[20 20]
8782 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[9 9]
8808 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[9 9]
8818 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[9 9]
8828 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-4:[23 23]
8847 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-4:[23 23]
8851 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-4:[23 23]
8858 [refresh-active-timer] INFO b.s.d.worker - All connections are ready for worker 49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4:1027 with id 9dd8aeac-1cd6-467a-a84c-2637d0825d99
8864 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[11 11]
8877 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[11 11]
8879 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[11 11]
8886 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor system:[-1 -1]
8887 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks
system:[-1 -1]
8890 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor system:[-1 -1]
8914 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[16 16]
9052 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[16 16]
9055 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[16 16]
9070 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[13 13]
9081 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[13 13]
9089 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[13 13]
9116 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[19 19]
9129 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[19 19]
9132 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[19 19]
9148 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[21 21]
9160 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[21 21]
9163 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[21 21]
9178 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-1:[5 5]
9192 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-1:[5 5]
9194 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-1:[5 5]
9204 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor spout1:[26 26]
9205 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks spout1:[26 26]
9208 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor spout1:[26 26]
9220 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[10 10]
9226 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[10 10]
9228 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[10 10]
9234 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[14 14]
9237 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[14 14]
9239 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[14 14]
9244 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-0:[4 4]
9248 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-0:[4 4]
9249 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-0:[4 4]
9255 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[15 15]
9260 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[15 15]
9261 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[15 15]
9273 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor spout0:[25 25]
9275 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks spout0:[25 25]
9277 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor spout0:[25 25]
9284 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loading executor b-2:[17 17]
9289 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Loaded executor tasks b-2:[17 17]
9291 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.executor - Finished loading executor b-2:[17 17]
9298 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.worker - Worker has topology config {“topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs” 60, ……
9298 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.d.worker - Worker 9dd8aeac-1cd6-467a-a84c-2637d0825d99 for storm wordCounter-1-1468420782 on 49c35a73-7500-4ea4-aaa2-4b1c1f231fd4:1027 has finished loading
9298 [Thread-8] INFO b.s.config - SET worker-user 9dd8aeac-1cd6-467a-a84c-2637d0825d99
9875 [Thread-27-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(18)
9882 [Thread-35-b-4] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-4:(23)
9882 [Thread-41-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(16)
9883 [Thread-13-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(12)
9883 [Thread-59-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(15)
9883 [Thread-47-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(21)
9893 [Thread-35-b-4] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-4:(23)
9896 [Thread-47-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(21)
9896 [Thread-59-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(15)
9896 [Thread-27-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(18)
9896 [Thread-13-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(12)
9896 [Thread-41-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(16)
9898 [Thread-31-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(20)
9898 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt $spoutcoord-spout0:(2)
9899 [Thread-61-spout0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt spout0:(25)
9900 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
9900 [Thread-61-spout0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt spout0:(25)
9901 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
9901 [Thread-31-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(20)
9907 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
9908 [Thread-43-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(13)
9908 [Thread-37-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(11)
9908 [Thread-63-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(17)
9910 [Thread-43-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(13)
9910 [Thread-37-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(11)
9911 [Thread-63-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(17)
9918 [Thread-49-b-1] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-1:(5)
9918 [Thread-39-
system] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt system:(-1)
9918 [Thread-29-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(6)
9920 [Thread-49-b-1] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-1:(5)
9920 [Thread-29-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(6)
9921 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
9922 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
9924 [Thread-39-
system] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt system:(-1)
9929 [Thread-51-spout1] INFO b.s.d.executor - Opening spout spout1:(26)
9929 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Opening spout $mastercoord-bg0:(1)
9929 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
9938 [Thread-51-spout1] INFO b.s.d.executor - Opened spout spout1:(26)
9937 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
9940 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
9940 [Thread-33-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(9)
9942 [Thread-51-spout1] INFO b.s.d.executor - Activating spout spout1:(26)
9942 [Thread-33-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(9)
9947 [Thread-53-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(10)
9950 [Thread-53-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(10)
9956 [Thread-11-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(8)
9956 [Thread-45-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(19)
9957 [Thread-23-b-5] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-5:(24)
9958 [Thread-23-b-5] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-5:(24)
9958 [Thread-11-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(8)
9958 [Thread-17-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(7)
9959 [Thread-55-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-2:(14)
9959 [Thread-19-b-3] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-3:(22)
9960 [Thread-19-b-3] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-3:(22)
9960 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
9960 [Thread-17-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(7)
9962 [Thread-45-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(19)
9963 [Thread-55-b-2] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-2:(14)
9964 [Thread-57-b-0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt b-0:(4)
9964 [Thread-21-
acker] INFO b.s.d.executor - Preparing bolt acker:(3)
9965 [Thread-57-b-0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt b-0:(4)
9966 [Thread-21-
acker] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt __acker:(3)
9969 [Thread-15-$spoutcoord-spout0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Prepared bolt $spoutcoord-spout0:(2)
9971 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO b.s.u.StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry - The baseSleepTimeMs [1000] the maxSleepTimeMs [30000] the maxRetries [5]
9972 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
9984 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0-EventThread] INFO o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
9988 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Opened spout $mastercoord-bg0:(1)
9988 [Thread-25-$mastercoord-bg0] INFO b.s.d.executor - Activating spout $mastercoord-bg0:(1)
DRPC RESULT: [[120]]
DRPC RESULT: [[179]]
DRPC RESULT: [[239]]
DRPC RESULT: [[299]]
DRPC RESULT: [[359]]
DRPC RESULT: [[414]]
DRPC RESULT: [[474]]
DRPC RESULT: [[534]]
DRPC RESULT: [[593]]
DRPC RESULT: [[653]]
DRPC RESULT: [[713]]
DRPC RESULT: [[768]]

Process finished with exit code 130
